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Angharad Bowles

Angharad has been a special needs teacher for ten years and has worked with two year olds, in nursery, up to 19 year olds, in Further Education. She has worked with children with moderate, severe and profound and multiple learning disabilities and has held various positions including Head of Communication and Behaviour Support Teacher.


In her personal life, she has two small children who keep her very busy!


Angharad takes the lead on our assessment and report service and is also responsible for most admin within the business. 

Lauren Weatherley

Lauren has worked in education for over ten years, in both specialist settings and mainstream schools. Her roles have included special needs teaching in schools for children with severe learning difficulties and physical disabilities and later on in her career included leadership roles, as Head of a specialist ASD Centre in a mainstream school, SENDCo and Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion.


Lauren has a young son of her own.


She is our EHCP and paperwork lead and has a vast amount of knowldege in this area. 

Marie White

Marie has developed her skills over 12 years in education in mainstream Early Years and moved in to special education, working across all age ranges. She has taken on leadership roles over the years as Lead Teacher of Communication and has extensive knowledge of alternative communication systems.


Marie is a mum of three and grandma to one and enjoys a busy family life! 


She manages our social media and is also the lead on our training services.

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