1:1 discovery call
Free 30 minute intro call to find about your child and how we can help.
Service Description
You can use this call however you like - to offload, rant, ask us for advice or ask us about a service we offer. We are here for you NOW, no waiting lists, no diagnosis necessary. We will listen, ask questions and support you with compassion, understanding and absolutely no judgement. We will tell you about any services we think might be useful for you, or you might want to discuss a particular service, but there's never any pressure to buy. Get in touch if you can't find a suitable time for a call on the booking calendar - we can always work something out. 'Exactly what I needed and you gave me so much more help, guidance and advice than I had expected from a short phone call!' 'I really appreciate all your advice and you can't know how helpful it is to have a sort of strategy to work with that could help.'